Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Art Of Inspiration - TCM Classic Film Festival 2017

Since it began in April of 1994, TCM - Turner Classic Movies has been dialed in on my TV more than any other channel. Since my childhood I've been fond of old movies, however it wasn't until TCM began showing them without commercials 24/7 that I fully realized why and what an abundance of them we have to treasure. The more I learned about The Golden Age Of Hollywood and it's iconic stars, the more I learned there is to love. At the time I'd never heard of the late Robert Osborne, but it didn't take long for me to become extremely impressed by his unique insight as he introduced films and interviewed many legendary actors for the "Private Screenings" and "The Essentials" programs. In the 90's there were many stars of films from as early as the 1930's still living and thankfully for fans, many of them loved being brought back into the public eye and sharing countless fascinating stories that now live on forever. Robert Osborne had an amazing talent for making elderly guests - many who hadn't been in front of a camera for decades - quickly at ease and opening up about their lives and careers. 

Over the years as films became filled with graphic violence, gore and obscenities my interest in the majority of new films rapidly faded. Having studied creative writing and becoming a freelance writer, I watched films on TCM from the 1930's through the 1960's from a totally different vantage point. Quickly it became clear to me that truly great storytelling was rapidly becoming a lost art and how creative screenwriters once were, often out of necessity. As strict production codes began being enforced in 1934, these writers were severely handicapped by what could and couldn't be seen or heard on the Silver Screen. This led to a hidden language being developed by screenwriters that often effectively passed over the heads of Hays production code enforcers but not moviegoers. Audiences learned what the writers were saying when a love scene faded out or ended as a gush of wind suddenly blew doors open, shattered windows or lamps and furnishings fell over. Witty dialogue was often filled with clever innuendos or double entendres that purred in films such as "The Big Sleep" with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall and "Out Of The Past" with Robert Mitchum and Jane Greer. 

As a performing artist and writer, classic films continue to serve as inspiration and entertainment, I can watch them over and over seemingly discovering something new each time. In April of 2010 TCM held their first Classic Film Festival, each year since I've watched wishing I could be there, with an opportunity to meet Robert Osborne, even if the films featured weren't exactly my favorites. Every year since the event has become more popular and my desire to go grown more intense - especially as it would also be a brief escape from the cold of New Hampshire. On Monday April 3rd, 2017 my beloved Angel Donna and myself will be flying to Chicago where we will board a train headed for Los Angeles, to attend the TCM Classic Film Festival, making several dreams for two artists become reality. Sadly, we'll never have the chance to meet the late Robert Osborne. However the event will be dedicated to him and the lineup of films and attending celebrity guests is amazing with "Make 'Em Laugh" as this year's theme. We will be filming and writing about our travels and festival events - and posting to this and other blogs. We're looking forward to meeting other classic movie fans, if you will be attending please let us know and we'll see you there for laughter, inspiration and sunshine. Email us:

To celebrate our attending the Festival, with a chance to meet Mel Brooks, Donna has done some amazing illustrations inspired by "Blazing Saddles" and "Young Frankenstein" as well as one of Bogie and Bacall, we've made them available on a number of products as part of our SideTrack Station Marketplace -- STS Printshop  

Artwork Copyright Donna Massa - All Rights Reserved

If you're unfamiliar with how profound Robert Osborne's contribution to the network and world of classic film, watch the "Private Screenings" episode when Alec Baldwin interviewed him, it was a truly special broadcast. 

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Happy Classic Film Celebrating!  

Copyright Arts4Humanity   ---  

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