We're now paying the price for one of the most amazing economic recoveries & 8 years of peaceful prosperity lead by a black man . After Obama's first election so many said they never thought it possible in their lifetime, you had to wonder who did vote for him. From Obama's first campaign speech to this day Trump has spread hatred, due to his never ending Jealousy of a black man who is everything he wants to be except black.
The thinking at first was that rednecks who never voted would flood the polls to keep a black out of the White House. However, the record number that did turn out did so to ensure the worst candidate and president would be removed. Sooner or later Trump will be claiming Obama rigged the election. On Obama's second election night Trump could have been arrested for incitement to riot as he tweeted out for his people to "storm the White House" as Fox was falsely claiming Obama would be re-elected without winning the popular vote.
Typical, 4 years later Trump followed the majority of Republican presidents elected despite LOSING the popular vote. The violence and insurrection we're experiencing can all be traced back to a Reality TV Stars racist SOCIOPATHIC Jealousy and hatred for Obama. Enraged and obcessed by the success and popularity of the second* black US president, Trump has continually feed lies to his angry white supremacist pals.
"Stand back and stand by" message to racist "Proud Boys" organization during a televised debate? Just imagine what his emails and texts say to all those who know nothing of his politics, they just know he's one of them. lands in jail, how are his minions going to take it? The right media has been making absurd claims, some directly from Trump. The cult turned Terrorist Organization actually believe Biden is a Socialist who's coming for their guns, rejecting the 1st & 2nd Amendment and is the leader of a celebrity child molestation group.
Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & Others actually say such things so often their white supremacist base actually believe their country is being stolen from them. It nearly was and they indeed should be careful what they wish for. It's now common knowledge Trump's unfit to hold a fork and is happy about the pandemic so he doesn't have to shake hands with his "disgusting" supporters.
The major actually may not believe it but it's perfect fuel for their fire.
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